Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Innocent until proven guilty.

I wasn't going to do this, but I just feel like I have to defend Michael Jackson. A man who obviously lives outside the "normal" box.

The phrase "innocent until proven guilty" did not seem to apply to Michael Jackson, or as his "normal" retractors refer to him "wacko jacko". Granted, sleeping in the same bed as minors is not something people are comfortable with, but it is legal. I wonder if a babysitter, nanny or someone watching their friend's child has ever done it. I know he made a habit of these "sleep-overs", but that still does not make him a child molester.

The case as I saw it, and we really didn't see that much of it, was based on the testimony of two boys, their mother, a questionable timeline, and previous allegations that produced no charges. The mother and the boys were the key to the case. The jury, who requested the boy's testimony again while in deliberations, did not believe them. Perhaps it was due to the mother's previous attempts at scamming people for money, or maybe it was because the brother couldn't remember exactly what his story was, or maybe the boys were seen as teen agers who found their own liquor and porn in Neverland. Who knows? What we do know is that to them, based on the evidence, there was reasonable doubt. Case closed.

And for all those equating the Trial of Michael Jackson to OJ's trial, there is a real difference. The DNA matched blood in OJ's car, in OJ's home, and on the rug of the murder is hard evidence. Sending former employees and other grudge holders to tell "their side" of the story is not as hard. You would think with 100 search warrants a DA on a mission would have found something.

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