Saturday, March 17, 2007

Plame and the "purge"

March 17th is the day we celebrate Saint Patrick's ridding Ireland of the Pagans and/or snakes. This year the date also brings with it the Fourth Anniversary of bush's announcement of Our "imminent" Invasion of Iraq. Funny coincidence, right? Do you think bush knew about the religious significance of that day? Maybe the March on the Pentagon will help rid Our White House of snakes. If that doesn't work, maybe the House's hearings on the political purge of eight Federal prosecutors by the "Justice" department, or the hearings on the divulging of classified National Security information to the press, will. You may remember lil' bush's remarks on 9/29/03 about the latter. "If anyone in this administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this administration." We now know that statement was (depending on your party affiliation) a lie, a flip to his recent flop, or, for the real wingnuts, a forgettable statement or at best a "he didn't know". The Libby trial illustrated both dick and rover's involvement. We'll have to see who the United States Congress subpoena for their hearings. Valerie Plame was there today.

The bush team of Texas two steppers are knee deep in the prosecutor purge scandal, as well. It turns out Rove and former Supreme Court unqualified nominee Harriet Myers were both involved, if not instrumental, in the politically motivated firings by (next to go) Attorney General alberto gonzales. Before you tell me President Clinton did the same thing, here's one little difference. The newly elected to his first term President Clinton dismissed federal prosecutors, as other Presidents have, at the start of his tenure to essentially clear the slate and make his own appointments. In the middle of bush's second term, gonzales fired eight Federal prosecutors for not being loyal to "the party" (see the Miers' "strike out" list) or for not succumbing to politically driven pressure from Reps. domenici and wilson, who should both be removed for abuse of power. As for the Attorney General, I think Senator Chuck Shumer said it best when he said "
he either doesn't accept or doesn't understand that he is no longer just the president's lawyer, but has a higher obligation to the rule of law and the Constitution even when the president should not want it to be so,"

So as they try to distract us with the five week old, exaggerated, testimony of
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was captured in 2003 and has been "intensively interrogated" ever since. As they add to the little prince's slap in the face "surge". As they continue to ignore the American public, I stand (unfortunately, only in spirit) with those in the streets of D.C.

What do We Want?!?!
When do We Want It??!?!

What do We Want?!?!
When do We Want It??!?!

What do We Want?!?!
When do We Want It??!?!

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