Friday, July 06, 2007

Sorry for the Delay

The suicide bombing in Glasgow, that this administration called "amateur hour", and the explosive cars found in London are frightening foreshadowing for what the future could hold. We live in dangerous, volatile times. Perhaps more than ever before. Why has it gotten so much worse, so fast? John Edwards recently said "Today, as a result of what george bush has done, we have more terrorists and fewer allies," "There was no group called al qaeda in Iraq before this president' war in Iraq." The world had Our back in Afghanistan, even Iran helped. We were on "the hunt" for the group that raised the 19 hijackers (15 of which were Saudi, none were Iraqi) that attacked Us. Then this administration and those that pull its strings trumped up spun "evidence" and pushed Us into a war, insisting and parroting the propaganda that discussion and debate of war was "unpatriotic". Ruining the careers, no matter how classified for National Security, of those who thought differently, or simply wanted to present evidence. Now the criminal in chief has told the court, the judge, and the American people that perjury and obstruction of justice aren't crimes punishable by prison, at least not when the LIES are being used to save their own Asses. I say send "scooter" to guantanamo, abu ghraib, Syria, etc. and torture him until he tells the truth about what he was lying about.

Speaking of Lies, and the Lying Liars that Tell Them, vice president dick tried to pass off another doozy. Dick was thinking about ways he can continue to do whatever he wants (declassifying National Security secrets at will in particular this time) and came up with the idea he was not an “entity within the executive branch” of the US government, even though he gets $4,750,000.00 through its budget. Not to worry though, once a few Democrats in the legislative branch threatened to stop funding the vice president through the executive, the weaselly mr. potter impersonator and his lawyers said just kidding. You see the figure head failure in chief amended and signed an executive order pertaining to the handling of classified national security information, including oversight as to how and why information is declassified. Now that the rubber stamp reds are out of control, the man behind the curtain is being asked, and SUBPOENAED, for info that he holds so close to his barely beating heart. Sorry dick but we all now you run the show, the C-student, failed oil man, cheerleader in chief can't even meet the Pope right, let alone construct the prevailing "Road map" to violence in the near "middle" east. Who else but you and your "Project" could have come up with the war of choice costing the American taxpayer $440,500,000,000.00+ so far? The only project on schedule in Iraq is the largest permanent US base in history on a huge swath of prime real estate in the country we invaded on false, faulty and wrong information that only the neocons, whose strangle hold on this country seems to be waning, thought was actionable by force.

In a country where our government is funding and fighting sunni insurgents, a government that "relies" on the murderers committing genocide in the Sudan, A country where a government hasn't taxed rupert murdoch's newscorp company two of the last four years, and the regular taxed "folks" have to deal with rising gas and food prices as their wages drop. All the while oil companies continue to make record breaking profits. A government that spends tax payer money on building a "gay bomb", spying on its citizens, and bounties for illegal assassinations. It really is past time to take this country back. The majority of the American public think that Iraq was a mistake and we should get out. Even red senators are finally coming out against this administration's failed policies. We can end this. We have to end this. But we have to come together as a people, while holding the criminals who have hijacked the democracy of the United States of America accountable. And I'm not just talking about those who felled the Towers on that day that will forever live in infamy, that day when to make a speech was to be a leader. I'm talking about a rogue administration who have been destroying the power of Federal agencies from the EPA to the Justice Department, an administration who disregards the US Constitution, an administration that has weakened the United States military through over stretching, under resting, and disregarding their benefits when they come home. The president of the United States can't even get through a photo op with teen age presidential scholars without having to answer questions on why he is allowing torture in Our name in Our detention centers and the ones in places like Syria where this administration outsources torture in Our name. This is what Our country and its reputation has been reduced to under these "folks" in the White House. It seems a hell of a lot worse than an extra-marital affair, don't you think? I'm with Keith Olbermann. Mr. President. Mr. Vice President. For the good of the Nation, Resign!

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