Thursday, October 28, 2004

A Shadow Cast

With the audible 32nd click of the old biological clock in my ears, i watched the Earth cast its shadow over a defenseless moon. And as with everything else in recent history, my mind couldn't seem to help but make the political analogy.

The shadow of secrecy, disrespect, and dishonesty cast by the little prince, and the tight knit protective barrier of neo-cons he has surrounded himself with to ward off reality, has darkened Our country ever since our only defense (the general election) was taken from us by junior's brother, Florida's campaign chairwoman/secretary of state, and the "highest" court in all the land in 2000. This shadow has darkened our "Clear Skies". Our image in the world has dimmed from a guiding light, both followed and emulated by nations to that of a isolationism bully that believes that the United States is above international law, "you are either with us or against us", and that under the guise of security no liberty is safe.

Our Country's problems did not begin with the appointment of george w. bush, but it has been exponentially sped up by the extreme "right" wing agenda he and his have pushed on us through misleading, candy coated speech, distraction, and a press that found itself turned into a propaganda machine, for fear of being dubbed "unpatriotic" for questioning the commander in chief (a truly patriotic act). Our problems as a Nation will not cease to exist when and if John Kerry is elected to office of President of the United States of America on November 2nd. This fight will take a long and sustained effort from those that truly care about Our Country and truly believe that this nation "shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 will mark a major battle and will send a message to those around the world. The evicting of this incompetent regime from Our White House is imperative to the quagmire that is Iraq, a real, ethical securing of our homeland, as well as the fate and future of the working, middle, and poorer classes of the United States. Those who need help the most should receive the most help, and those who no longer need, but only want should be willing (or made) to sacrifice more for the betterment of their countrymen if not for the very country that has allowed and encouraged their success through policy. A move towards the "left" is needed and this election is an essential step number one.

Please remember to vote on November 2 (and remember to bring your ID).


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