Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A snowball in hell

The American people have voted for george w. bush for a second term as president of the United States of America. And i can find little solace from the feelings of disgust, anger, and despair that this result has left me with. I find myself gasping for faith in this Country and its people.

Yesterday marked the second bursting of an internet bubble. This time the virtual lead among new registrations turned into the real defeat in getting them out to vote (The youth vote remained unchanged since 2000). Accountability for the past three years was trumped by the rhetoric of fear. And all those that voted for bush are responsible. Every policy this administration makes is the responsibility of every person that voted for its second term. Every policy that puts our troops in harm's way without "knowing" if a threat to the nation even exists, every policy that adversely affects the environment, that keeps wages and overtime down, that rewards big business (whether it be for outsourcing or for just being rich). It is they that voted for bush who are responsible. Rove and Co. have succeeded in making gay marriage more important than jobs, health care, and the image of the Country in the world. Congratulations America. I hope someday you actually think about what you've done. I hope someday you will see that presidential elections are more than the Texas Reds against the Massachusetts Blues. Who am i kidding? People don't think.

But what about those that found themselves on john kerry's side? What do we do? Do we move to Canada? Do the North East and West Coast secede from the Union? Do we just give up on caring and taking part in a society that doesn't seem to care what the major economic centers in the Country think? I, for one, am not giving up (though dropping out of corporate society as much as possible sounds good). This blog will still be here. I'll still be watching, yelling, and emailing those that let me. There will be no grace period this time. No feeling that dissent is somehow unpatriotic here. I refuse to let them take my Country away from me. It is my sincere hope that i am not alone in this.

It is a very disheartening day today within a movement that seemed to snow ball ever since Howard Dean and Michael Moore showed us that we could stand up against a vacationing "war president". But it seems that snowball didn't stand a chance in hell.


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