Thursday, December 02, 2004

Show me what democracy looks like

The Ukraine has shown us what democracy looks like. A questionable election day outcome, where only 1-3% of the popular vote separated the candidates, and the results were at odds with exit polling, has brought tens of thousands of citizens out to protest. The protestors have been camped out in the capital of the Ukraine, Kiev, for some 10+ days. I wonder if they got the appropriate permits. Influenced by the public outcry, the Ukrainian Parliament has voted "no confidence" in the election of Viktor Yanukovych, the man backed by eastern Europe and Russia, over the EU backed "liberal reformist" Viktor Yushchenko, who is seeking a new election. Mr. Yushchenko is also backed by the US, though it's getting harder and harder to follow who Our allies are when even the "American" success story wal-mart is getting 70% of their commodities made in communist China. Not to mention Our newest ally, Afghanistan, overtaking Columbia as drug producer #1. Can you really blame our old friends for being stand off-ish? With the NY Times piece on a report issued back in July by the International Red Cross to Our government saying our abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay was "tantamount to torture". I guess we don't need to lease Gulfstream 5 for flights to torture friendly nations anymore.

In other news hidden beneath the peterson trial, on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, the Pentagon released a report saying our enemies "hate our policies, not our freedom". Really?!?! Then there was the appropriations bill the republicans in Congress pushed through attaching riders having nothing to do with the budget and allowing no time for debate or review before the vote which of course passed. We are talking about riders affecting policies from Yellowstone National Park to abortion! Not to mention the eye witness reports saying the We used "unusual weapons" in Falluja, weapons resembling napalm. It's no wonder the people of Canada protested the man clear channel(the ministry of propaganda) billboards in Florida refer to as "our leader". It makes you want to abstain from the whole discussion. Otherwise leaving myself open to contracting AIDS from sweat and tears. Isn’t that right federally funded faith based teachers of abstinence?

It's no wonder 40% of Us are on prescription drugs.


"We... owe it to mankind as well as to ourselves to restrain wrong by resistance and to defeat those calculations of which justice is not the basis." --Thomas Jefferson: 7th Annual Message, 1807

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