Friday, January 21, 2005

Inauguration 2005

With Washington D.C. as secure as it has ever been, yesterday's ceremonies went, for the most part, as expected. The heavily guarded parade route and audience were filled with more supporters than dissenters. According to various reports, the number of dissenters reached between 500 and 10,000+. Some were so "aggressive" that police sprayed them with pepper spray shot through a fire hose.

The president's speech was of ideal's not details (inaugural addresses usually are). The "ultimate goal" he said was "ending tyranny in our world". Mr. President, does that include our tyrannical allies (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Uzbekistan to name a few)? The people of Sudan, Haiti, and China were probably excited to hear that "the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors." Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a world (or even a country) where each citizen has an equal voice in the election of their government and to have that elected government be answerable to the public that put it there. The left doesn't have a monopoly on dreamers after all. Well, I guess we'll just have to see if this "calling of our time" gets better results than "bring 'em on" and "dead or alive". All and all, Inauguration 2005 was well worth the $40,000,00.00 it cost, lucky the US government has some rich friends (just ask Secretary of Transportation Mineta about his friends at GM's party).

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