Friday, March 25, 2005

NYC 03/19/05

ny 03:05
Originally uploaded by the squid.

No, this isn't the latest prayer vigil "for" Terri Schiavo. It's not Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Lebanon, or Kuwait. It's right here in the US (New York to be exact), not that you would have known by the "liberal media" reaction. March 19, 2005 was the second anniversary of Our invasian of Iraq and people came out in numbers once again to say they do not approve of the war in Iraq, including military and military families of Fort Bragg. Thousands protested in cities throughout the Country. It's hard to find accurate numbers, because so few news agencies covered them. The crowds certainly seem larger than those I've seen coverage of lately in front of a hospice in Florida, and there are 150,000 American lives at stake it what they protest.

"While this Republican administration has spoken strongly about promoting democracy around the world, the House Republican leadership is working feverishly to undermine democracy here at home,"
-Pat Buchanan

I don't think he was talking about the silencing of the protests, but if the shoe fits.

1 comment:

Jane Hamsher said...

Yeah, you pretty much have to throw a baby down a well to get the attention of the media. A hundred thousand people dead? Big Media Yawn.

I like your blog a lot and link to it on mine, just stopped by to say hi.