Saturday, April 23, 2005

Hypocrisy, Earth Day and Tom Delay

In yet another "THE FACT THAT HE RELIES ON FACTS..." policy move, the administration has eliminated a 19 year old annual international terrorism report after the top terrorism center found that there were more terrorist attacks in 2004 than any year since the report's inception back in 1985. Maybe it was those wacko lefty groups, like the Environmental Liberation Front, who have recently been added to the Homeland Security's terrorist watch list. It certainly couldn't be the right wingnut "domestic terrorists" that the Department of Homeland Secutrity have left off. Anyone remember timothy mcveigh's? Ah the hypocrisy of it all, or as Mikhail Gorbachev put it recently "I think the United States is sick." A comment that probably got about as warm a reception from the administration as current Russian President Vladimir Putin received from it's Secretary of State. Poor Vlad, I hope he didn't think that truck rides and hot dogs at Camp Crawford would last. Governor Ahnold changed his mind about people this week as well. After stating that California borders should be closed (if only they were before he got there), Ahnold came back with this retraction "Yesterday was a total screw-up in the words I used," "Because instead of closing, I meant securing. I think maybe my English, I need to go back to school and study a little bit." Uh, you're the Governor now Ahnold. You damn well better know the difference between close and secure. Who am I kidding? The man who so elequently stated "Our children is learning" is the president.

Today is Earth Day. This year it has been marked/marred by yet another ridiculous "energy policy", which includes drilling in ANWR, tax breaks for energy companies whose profits are rising as I type, and protections for the polluters by weakening things like the Clean Air Act, just to name a few provisions. Why be surprised? These are the "folks" who continue to argue the existence of global warming, despite news that continues to surface from scientists around the globe. It has gotten to the point that legislators in California are thinking about having a gas tax by the mile instead of the gallon, giving hybrids more of a tax burden (per gallon) because of their better mileage. Maybe we all should get up, leave our computers, go outside, take a deep breath, plant a tree and reconnect to a planet we seem to be in a constant battle for. If you can't make it away from your monitor there are some ways you can do something for Mother Earth. Give an elected official a call, email, or fax thanking for the work he/she has done on behalf of the Earth or curse him/her out for working against her. Me, I'm gonna go plant some basil.

"The time has come that the American people know exactly what their representatives are doing here in Washington. Are they feeding at the public trough, taking lobbyist-paid vacations, getting wined and dined by special-interest groups? Or are they working hard to represent their constituents? The people, the American people, have a right to know. I say the best disinfectant is full disclosure."
The scandal plagued Tom Delay (R)- Floor of the House November 1995

Just relax congressman, this probe won't hurt a bit.

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