Thursday, June 15, 2006

A few quick questions

When did a one point increase in the polls become a "surge" and a 37% approval rating become good?

Did the president "surprise" Iraq with a visit to negotiate an amnesty deal for "insurgents" that kill US or non-Iraqis?

Why does the hate speak of the likes of A.C. (insert your own words/names) continue to be best selling?

If we didn't need an additional $66,000,000,000.00 for Iraq and Afghanistan would we still have had to cut Our Nation's Security funding in top targets like New York City?

I've been told by a friend whose son was stationed in Baghdad that a 500 lb. bomb would reduce 10 city blocks to rumble. So how did al qaeda's "leader" in Iraq come out of a building, that was hit by two of them, with bruises and a fatal "lung injury"?

Why wasn't the president told a White House reporter was blind before he made fun of his sunglasses?

Why doesn't anyone care about illegal voting machines and seriously questionable elections in the United States of America?

Why did it take president Gina Davis to make me realize that according to Our Constitution women are still not equal to men?

When will the US Congress stop with faux debates and campaign ad fodder votes and sit down to seriuosly discuss/debate the realities of the president's War in Iraq and what we should do from here? Enough with the "stay the course" and "cut and run" abstracts already.

Will the United States government eventually regret giving the new Iraqi "iron fist" "government" financial and weapon support like they do now their support for the former dictatorial regime?

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