Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I am Thankful.

I am thankful for both my arms and legs (as I am for the rest of my body unravaged by IED's, mortar shells, or anything else being hurled at Our soldiers , their soldiers, and everybody else in war).

I'm thankful for living here in the United States and not in Iraq, where civilian casualties are at new highs.

I'm thankful the lights turn on when I flip the switch, though candlelight might be nice.

Thankful for the stocked shelves at vegetable markets, bodegas, and supermarkets. (It would be nice if it didn't turn up in the trash quite so much)

I'm thankful for the roof over my head, and for the opportunities, to earn the money to pay the rent, given to me as a white guy from a middle class background.

I'm thankful for friends and family, who put up with me and all of my ranting.

I'm thankful that there is at least the prospect of checks and balances offered by a legislative branch of government now that the Democrats won Congress.

Thankful for the Freedom to say that bush is a turkey of a president, who people seem to like less than they did his father.

I'm thankful for those willing to stand up against Goliath, whatever form he may take.

I'm thankful that Thanksgiving still exists depite the fact that department stores, easy listening radio, and surbuban lawns everywhere are already on Christmas.

Thankful for the internet machine, keeping us connected and servin' as the new millenium soapbox.

I'm thankful for you all.

Have a Happy Turkey Day!

For a little darker meat check out Burroughs's 1986Thanksgiving Prayer -

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