Friday, February 09, 2007

We the People: the rant

Former Presidential candidate, patrick buchanan, is right when he says that the 108th Congress (controlled by the Democratic Party) made the greatest mistake in Our history when it voted (minus 21 Democratic Senators) to pass a resolution with language, so vague, it gave the President of the United States "authority" to wage a new war in Iraq with only the most tenuous of connection to the "terrorists" for whom said resolution was meant. The "blank check" was given in good faith. The "blank check" was given with the proper respect due the Office of President of the United States of America. The "blank check" was given based on the understanding that the receiver knew what they hell he was doing. The "blank check" was given knowing that the President of the United States would Only use the power of the American Military as a DIRE and ACTUAL LAST RESORT. This, unfortunately for Us all, was not the case with george w. bush and this war in Iraq. More and more citizens, law makers, and former framers of this debacle are coming to realize that and speak out. Though there are still those in the Senate will continue to obstruct a debate on this most ill advised foreign policy. You know where I have stood on bushco.'s war from before we went in.

Five United States helicopters have been shot down since January 20th, Thirty Seven more soldiers died, and who knows how many civilians. It is getting worse. Blaming the president's appointees for bad decisions during and leading up to bush's war in Iraq is a start, but to be sure the buck stops firmly on the President of the United States desk. At least the hard questions are starting to move up the food chain a little.

The Constitution starts with the phrase "We the people". Who are the people? Are they the masses? The majority of people in this country? Or are they the richest people? Sometimes it seems that depends on your party affiliation. I speaking, of course, of their policy decisions and choice of legislation, and not of their personal wealth. There are plenty of rich democrats. In fact, it's tough to find a non rich (middle class, working class, or poor) in elected office at all. But it was not the Democrats who tried to block minimum wage. Agreeing only after adding another "owner class" tax break to the legislation. While Exxon Mobil made an all time high profit ($39.5 Billion) in 2006, they also received Federal tax breaks. You'd think with the help "We the People" are giving them, they would drop the price at the pump to pre-bush Gas prices.

This lack of compassion for those making under $100,000.00+ per year (and that's most of us) is almost matched by Our government's lack of foresight. Just take a look at bush's "energy policy" or lack thereof. Ford is "a wreck". GM isn't doing much better. Toyota is doing great. Why? Two words... Cheap and Green. Higher miles per gallon or "CAFE" standards is something this president has stayed far away from, and without giving automakers this push, via the "bully pulpit", he has helped to put them in the position they are in today. We are behind everyone, with the exception of China, on the Science and the policy to deal with Global Warming. A recent report by a group of 600 International Scientists, sanctioned by the United Nations, stated that it was 90% or "very likely" that humans have caused the rapid increase in greenhouse gases since 1950. There are those who say the UN is a liberal group conspiring against us. I always thought the left were the conspiracy theorists. People, like senator inhoffe, are so paranoid and delusional they think Weather Channel has a political agenda. To these people I say if someone doesn't agree with you on something they are not, necessarily out to get you, and everyone is wrong sometimes. If global warming was not real or not an issue why would the bush administration pressure scientists not to talk about it? The thing about the international scientific community is that they do not vote on decisions. Theories are tested, information and data is collected, and a conclusion based on that study is reached. That's why medicine works. That's how we can make plastic and twinkies. It's how the internet machine works (along with the funding that Al Gore was essential in securing). Science is essential. It is not an affront to any belief in God. Albert Einstein once said "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." They do not have to be mutually exclusive. We the people can believe and strive for what is good and right for ALL MANKIND, or we can continue to give Our leaders the blind faith of Our apathy as we have for way too long.

I leave you with this from the last column of Molly Ivins, who died last week. She will certainly be missed. She was the first to call him "Shrub".

"We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war. Raise hell. Think of something to make the ridiculous look ridiculous. Make our troops know we're for them and trying to get them out of there."

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