Thursday, July 12, 2007


It has been reported by the Associated Press that an United States intelligence agency has found al qaeda to be at a strength "not seen since before 9/11". What the hell have the people in charge of this Country been doing for the past six years? This colossal failure is another justification of the unnecessary neo-con war in Iraq out the window. Maybe that's why two Senate Republicans have submitted a proposal to reduce US forces in Iraq. As part of that proposal, the Senators have called for a New Authorization Bill because they say "Many of the conditions and motivations that existed when we authorized force almost five years ago no longer exist or are irrelevant to our current situation". The report on al-qaeda states that the "terrorist organization" is "considerably operationally stronger than a year ago". Executive privilege happy king george says that's not true, and adds "we're making progress" in Iraq. Oh the LIES (Caution: it's the Rude One) we're being told. Where have we heard "we're making progress" before? Perhaps the progress to which zero credibility george is referring to can be found in the remains of the 100+ Iraqis killed in one day the weekend after the Fourth of July or the 80 victims of this past weekend's bombings. Maybe it was the 20+ mortar attack on the Green Zone that shed light on the corner were turning this time or Congressional investigators obtaining a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with a made up company. Could security of Iraqi banks, like the one that had $282 Million stolen from it, be part of the next in a long line of different and unclear "missions" Our troops are being given in Iraq.

I do not speak out against george w. bush because he is a republican. I speak out against him, because he is a failure, with failed policies that have lead to gains in America's enemies and loses amongst Our allies. I speak out against lil' george for endangering Our troops in a war we did not have to fight in Iraq. I rail against him for not keeping All Our forces trained and focused on those Actually Responsible for 9/11. I speak out against him for consistently and wrongly equating the attacks of 9/11 with his attack on Iraq. I speak out against the thinking that the president is above the law. I rail against the closed door, secret, and borderline tyrannical government he runs. I speak out against his putting politics before the health of the American People. I rail against this president's appointing of people to positions of power solely based on their political ideas, even when those ideas have nothing to do with the job, and not their experience. I rail against his politicizing the attacks, as well as the victims, of 9/11. I speak out against what he has done and continues to do to My Country. This is not about blue versus red. This is about America.

And another thing while I'm ranting and railing, it takes more than a bumper sticker or magnetic ribbon to support the troops! This administration has extended tours of duty from twelve to fifteen months. Our troops used to get TWO YEARS HOME in between One Year tours of duty. Now, there are soldiers who don't get One year in between their Fifteen month tours. Support the troops? Remember the Walter Reed scandal? There was a magnetic ribbon I saw over this past weekend that I whole heartedly agree with. It read "Support the Troops. Bring Them Home"

Mr. President, for the good of the Country, stop hiding behind executive privilege. Your treatment of Our Troops is a dereliction of duty bordering on treason. Mr. President, Resign and take dick with you.

Lie #___ Who can keep track, at this point?
"The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq are the ones who attacked us on Sept. 11," the failure in chief at Thursday's press conference.

Possible next topics:
The latest in the long line of religious right, self proclaimed moral leader, hypocritical douches who lectured us all on the sanctity of marriage and the importance of fidelity, senator david vitter goes to a paid whore. Hey senator, when your god sends you to hell, make sure you say hello to newt, haggard and mark foley.

Or maybe we'll talk about health care and the fact that you don't have to pay security insurance for police protection or safety insurance to have the fire department come to your house when it's on fire. So why do we have to pay $400+ a month for a doctor to protect Our health?

Oh and there's an added bonus to the July 23rd Democratic South Carolina debate. You can videotape a question for the candidates.

And here's another great piece from the Rude Pundit.

UPDATE: The new National Intelligence Estimate came out and it's not as rosy as the failure-in-chief would like us to believe. How does a statement like "we assess that its association with AQI (al-qa'ida in Iraq) helps al-Qa’ida to energize the broader Sunni extremist community, raise resources, and to recruit and indoctrinate operatives, including for Homeland attacks." jive with his war of choice in Iraq?

Also, the Senate had an all night session to debate the war in Iraq, with Senator Landrieu making the case for debating and voting on the biggest issue facing Our Nation currently. An issue that has killed over 4,000 of Our Men and Women in uniform, and where $35,000,000.00 is spent per day before breakfast should require debate and a vote, don't you think? The ball-less republican minority doesn't think so. That is why they continue their obstructionist filibuster.

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