Monday, December 10, 2007

Democracy and the failure-in-chief

Hugo Chavez can not run for his elected office indefinitely, as his recently voted down proposal would have allowed. Our "enemy" in Venezuela loses and it's "Hurray for Democracy" and "the system works". A marked change in the official attitude towards the Venezuelan elections, that have kept President Hugo Chavez in office. If this one was legit so were they, right? In Russia, however, the "enemy" whose "soul" bush once "got a sense of", saw his party make real gains in parliament in their recent elections. Europe (sans Russia, of course) is looking into "foul play". It's a wonder they didn't smell foul play in the land of hanging chads, when the loser of the popular vote was given the winning state, where his brother was the governor and his state campaign co-chair was the secretary of state. I know... USA! USA! We invented democracy. Actually a lot of it came from France. Oh and we're a Republic, not a democracy. But I digress.

The unprovoked war to force democracy on Iraq has produced the third most corrupt nation in the world. Adding thousands of US soldiers has the security situation in Iraq "showing improvement", but how will that improvement be maintained. Lord knows (wait who?) the Iraqi Army, the incompetent-in-chief disbanded isn't up to speed, and the new Iraqi government isn't anywhere near first gear yet. Can anyone say quagmire? Or predicted quagmire? Maybe that's why the "bomb Iran" chant has gotten softer. That and the recent United States National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) which says that Iran stopped it's nuCLEar weapons program in 2003. 2003?!??! Then what has bushco. been talking about (link to An Amazing Obermann!) for the last 4 years. They couldn't been exaggerating or LYING about weapons of mass destruction, could they?

In little over a year, bush will be sitting back on his sugar cane plantation in Paraguay, avoiding prosecution, while a new administration tries to clean up the mess his abysmal failure of a presidency has created with respect to Iraq, the Middle East, Our standing and stature in the world, the environment, the economy, and Our system of three coequal branches of Government. Hopefully, the next regime will be more than just another scare tactic/holier than thou/sound bite regime (see the "my mistress deserves a tax funded security detail" guiliani/"isolate the diseased to get closer to christ" huckabee '08 ticket).

Imagine a president with intelligence. A president with more than their money or that of their contributors on their mind. Imagine a president with the vision to see that government is there to help those who need it. Imagine a president for the common American. Imagine a president who puts Country ahead of party. A president who understands and approves of the US Constitution's freedoms of speech, press, and assembly. A president that understands that "no law [is to be made] respecting an establishment of religion". A president who believes that it is "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures". Imagine a president (and a congress) that put the majority, the Country and the Rule of Law first.

" You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one
-John Lennon

1 comment:

dave said...

For one, I think he sees Israel as the 51st state. The other thing is all the "that nation chose to build a state" talk. Didn't the UN pick that "state" for them without consulting with those living in and around that region at the time. Wouldn't that be "moral" and "ethical"? I also take issue with him on his thinking that only "Jews" are attached to that land. Were there no Muslims living and "attached" to that land when it was turned into the State of Israel in 1948?