Friday, May 30, 2008

Sometimes there's just too much to say.

It's amazing to me how much happens when I skip a week or two of typing. Was it crazy to think that talk of, and the subsequent backpedaling from, "appeasers" who want to talk to our enemies, like Sec. of Defense robert gates, exxon's favorite Secretary of State condi rice, and most recently, Israel, who is now negotiating directly with Syria, would have lasted more than a few days? Or the resignation of five top aides to formerly pro-campaign finance reform johnny third term, because of lobbyist ties, and worse yet ties to the bastards in Myanmar that kept rescue aid at bay for weeks? Even LIEberman, who will be speaking at pastor "catholicism is the great whore" hagee's joint, and graham, not to be confused with the old man's economic advisor gramm, who's been lobbying for one of the 'architects' of the mortage crisis, had to step down from their positions at the "527" Vets for Freedom group because of conflicts of interest. And on the pastors of bush jr. jr. mccain, johnny has finally rejected pastor hagee, whose endorsement he Actively sought. All it took was for hagee to tell us all that hitler was doing god's work. The oldest man to run for a first term also rejected his "spiritual guide", I assume for comments about how Men, like Washington and Jefferson, formed this country to destroy the "false religon" of Islam.

But why focus on all the problems of candidate mccain, when hillary is comparing her staying in the race until June with her husband's race. Unlike Senator Clinton's primary campaign, President Clinton had all but declared victory way in advance of June, and there were a helluva a lot more late primaries then (California was in June). And of course her campaign, remember she Was the shoe-in establishment candidate, is the same as Bobby Kennedy's 1968 Presidential campaign. Bobby Kennedy entered the race in March of 1968. That means he was running for three months by the time June came around. The woman, that moved to New York to run for Senate, entered the 2008 race in January of 2007. The real story here is that hillary clinton reminded us all that inspirational speakers, who speak of real change get killed. In a race, where I have personally been told of hillary's opponent "I'm so scared he's gonna get killed" or the even more simplistic "someone's going to kill him", she's using fear mongering politics, like roveco. used to fool a country, telling people "Bobby Kennedy was assasinated in June". So, you know, anything can happen. This was the fourth time in the campaign she brought up Senator Robert Kennedy's murder. This time only a week after his brother, Senator Edward Kennedy, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. But enough about her. That race will be over next week.

Let's talk about the friggin' chest bumper-in-chief. Seems his old mouth piece is out and about with a tell all book, and it's got them all in a feeding frenzy. Sweet Schadenfreude! The co-conspirator that let a GOP lovin' gay prostitute, writing for a tiny little website, into the White House briefing room week after week to ask the talking chimp softball questions, says his old boss is self, and publicly, deceptive. That the Iraq NIE was declassified by the president for leakage to the press, and they were all lying about the outing of a CIA agent. He writes of little georgie bush and friends' failure and "state of denial" before, during, and in the wake of the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina. And the big bombshell... that the lead up to the war in Iraq was propaganda, as opposed to candor, honesty and a real discussion about the necessity of war. It should be said that I, like the little prince, have not read the book, just the reports on it. What does rover have to say about scotty turning on the administration? He says former mouthpiece mcclellan sounds "like a left wing blogger". You know what I have to say to that? Thats' because he's speaking the truth!

"I am concerned-as I believe most Americans are concerned-that the course we are following at the present time is deeply wrong... I am concerned-as I believe most Americans are concerned-that we are acting as if no other nation existed, against the judgment and desires of neutrals and other historic allies alike"

"But past error is no excuse for its perpetration. Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom... Now, as ever, we do ourselves best justice when we measure ourselves against ancient texts, as in Sophocles [from Antigone] 'All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil"

"the young men we have sent there [Vietnam]; not just the killed, but those who have to kill; not just the maimed, but all those who must look upon the results of what they are forced and have to do"

"the price we pay in our innermost lives, and in the spirit of this country"

"war is not an enterprise lighltly to be undertaken, nor prolonged one moment past its absolute necessity"

"Our Country is in Danger: not just from foreign enemies; but above all, from our own misguided policies-and what they can do to the nation that Thomas Jefferson once said was the last, great hope for mankind. there is a contest on, not for the rule of America but for the heart of America"
- Senator Robert F. Kennedy

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